Sunday, October 11, 2015

Rhipsalis elliptica flowering

Rhipsalis elliptica flower
Hello and welcome back! This is just a short photo-post about my Rhipsalis elliptica, which is starting to flower. It has flowered before, but this year there are buds everywhere! Later this week or in the beginning of next week, I'll post more photos, because today only 3 buds opened up.

Rhipsalis elliptica flower
Below you can see more of the plant itself.
Rhipsalis elliptica
In their natural habitatm they grow on trees and hang a couple of metre down. Let me show you a photo that I've made of a nice piece of Brazilian jungle in the Southern state Paraná!

Rhipsalis elliptica in its natural habitat
True, not an amazing quality photo, but it definitely shows you what I mean.

Rhipsalis elliptica flower

Rhipsalis elliptica flower


Right! The Opuntia that you're probably missing (yeah, sure ;-) ) is replaced by a Cylindropuntia imbicrata, the Cholla. This is a very frost resisting species with large, annoying spines that reach up to two metre in height and forms a shrub when older.

Cylindropuntia imbricata

And below you can see my Maihueniopsis darwinii, which is still present and slowly increasing in size. It seems to take forever, but this sturdy, little fellow is still out there in the rain, snow and cold for years now!

Maihueniopsis darwinii


Yesterday I've installed the heating system with automatic time-switch, because the temperature dropped below 2 degrees Celsius outside. Of course I was warned by my special made IFTTT recipe. ;-)

The End

I just wanted to show you the pics without much blabla, so I'll keep my mouth shut and just wish you all a very nice day! Till next time!

P.S. I don't know what to think about the video below... I couldn't turn it off and the music is kind of cool. Just see for yourself. The entire album seems to be about aliens attacking the world to steal all our coffee. EPIC!